Oh London, how I love you already with your spectacular buildings, fashion, slang, and all that. Who knew I would be smack dab in the middle of a Victorian neighborhood? Everything is large, brick and beautiful. Not to mention we're so close to everything! Now my fellow Americans, why didn't anyone tell us we greet each other all wrong? Doesn't it make more sense to say something ridiculous like, "it's sunny outside" before even thinking about exchanging names? haha hilarious, I think, and don't you dare expect someone at the register to serve you right away, they have to do something meaningless like open and close the register before they look up at you...then you're allowed to buy your things. Now now don't be offended, London, by my harsh judgments of your social interactions, but honestly are there any toilets around? I don't believe you actually want people wetting themselves on your streets, but I can't really decide anymore. Alright enough negativity, I'm loving it here and was honored to watch the wedding of the wonderful royal couple today! Kate's dress was stunning and I feel safe in saying that London has style! I believe they may be a few years ahead of us America...but it's alright, we're doing our best. Seems that black tights with shorts are very in. I counted and lost track of how many girls in Hyde park were dressed like that. Follow the crowd Samantha? We'll see...not really a fan of following crowds. I did find an awesome invention in the markets. Ties, turned into necklaces. Can't really explain it, but I liked it! I'm doin alright here loves, but man does sleeping here bring the nightmares. Not sure why, maybe it's the weird smell and sleeping on a top bunk with my vintage looking linens. That's one thing I don't really want to be vintage. I've got to read a 200 something page book today. I've never been a fast reader so I got to go start. Wish me luck!