Wow what a couple of crazy days. Although I'm having a hard time falling asleep before three-0-clock in the morning, we've been getting so much done each day! I think all us students realize how soon this dream will end. It may have just begun, but I have to make sure to get everything in! We went to check out the Canals the other day and wow are they interesting. I would say it's London's idea of a Lake Powell I love that place. They have the right in boats for weeks at a time traveling around England. I wanted to hop on one right away and join in on that adventure! But, I came to my senses and remembered i can't leave on a boat now...I'm headed to Bath this next week! Can't wait for that! Anyway we checked out the Camden Markets that same day and they were crazy! You can find anything there! Although I wouldn't suggest taking food from everyone you see because a man handed me some meat/mushroom deal and it might have not done wonders for my stomach. So far...I've experienced a lot of wind and no rain in London, what's that all about? Bring on the rain London, I'm so ready! I've got my rain coat and everything. Oh the wedding was an adventure. We watched it on a big screen in hide park and had a blast! Kate's dress was beautiful in my opinion, but wow were there some strange hats. At times I was thinking to myself...that must be a joke, nah...they can't be serious. Oh let me tell you my was no joke. Hats make a statement for London women much like the statement men's cars can make. However fancy your hat is..the more you paid...the more you paid...the richer you must be. Tell me I'm wrong...also just for future notice, you press the button to open the door on the train or won't open. Bless our hearts this morning, we just may have missed our stop for that reason. Love you all!

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