Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Blogging Block
Blogging...it's fun right? Sure...but hard to do while I'm in a place like London! Why sit on a computer when I can be out experiencing the world! For this reason, I struggle with blogging. I do wish I had better internet at the BYU centre here and maybe it would be more appealing to upload photos. Instead of taking two hours to put two pictures up...maybe it would take about five minutes? I'll try to improve my blogging skills in the future, but for now, I'm going to squeeze every minute out of these days in London that I have left. Only two weeks left! I'm going to miss this place more than I can express in words! I will mostly miss the parks...we don't have a Regent's Park, Holland Park or Hyde Park in Provo. Running just won't be the same...

Sunday, May 15, 2011
On our first little side trip away from London, I saw the prettiest landscapes ever! I don't know if anything will ever quite compare to the beautiful old towns that we ran into or the surrounding rolling hills. But as a side note, may I just mention that London feels a lot like home now...yes of course it's only been a short time, but I missed my London home all the same.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
"Come Together!"
Oh the famous Abbey road with it's zebra crossing. Problem is loves, this is a very busy road and in order to get a picture actually crossing the street...it's necessary to risk your life and the lives of others. We did get one, but it's lost somewhere amongst the multiple cameras we had there. So sad! We even got up around seven in the morning to get over there before the road was too crazy. Good memories though of dodging taxis and getting honked at. Loved it!

Saturday, May 7, 2011
0 longitude...0 charge
Now this is actually quite funny. To stand on a cemented line? 10 pounds....to follow that line and take a picture where it also is? Free!!!!!! I mean prime meridian guys, how awesome is that? However, I still didn't see it being worth 10 pounds. I would rather buy three scrumptious cones & three savory scoops of gelato. hmmmm... so we created our own little prime meridian experience and folks...we beat the system and figured, with our smart little minds, that the prime meridian does, in fact, go all the way around. I must say that I stood on that line and it was great! 0 longitude was awesome everyone and Greenwich was beautiful, but it's pronounced Gren-ich everyone...don't mess that up:)

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Fear of Heights?...maybe
Was I afraid of heights before climbing to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral? I don't really know, but after that experience of climbing 600 steps..I now am. It was beautiful don't get me wrong, there are three levels...the whispering gallery, the stone gallery, and the golden gallery. Very cool, very cool but hey...why make the stairs super small and spiraling and unstable looking on your way to the golden gallery? Is it for dramatic effect? Well it was very dramatic that's for sure...I could see through the steel stairs and felt like I was going to just slip right through one to my death below. Man I whine too much. I loved it guys really! The view was spectacular and coming down wasn't as bad. We went on a walk afterward and got just a little lost...no worries, I was the one with the map so that's why we got lost:) Someone very quickly took over and got us in the right direction, bless my heart. Just Lovin London!

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wedding...and other things
Wow what a couple of crazy days. Although I'm having a hard time falling asleep before three-0-clock in the morning, we've been getting so much done each day! I think all us students realize how soon this dream will end. It may have just begun, but I have to make sure to get everything in! We went to check out the Canals the other day and wow are they interesting. I would say it's London's idea of a Lake Powell experience...man I love that place. They have the right idea..living in boats for weeks at a time traveling around England. I wanted to hop on one right away and join in on that adventure! But, I came to my senses and remembered i can't leave on a boat now...I'm headed to Bath this next week! Can't wait for that! Anyway we checked out the Camden Markets that same day and they were crazy! You can find anything there! Although I wouldn't suggest taking food from everyone you see because a man handed me some meat/mushroom deal and it might have not done wonders for my stomach. So far...I've experienced a lot of wind and no rain in London, what's that all about? Bring on the rain London, I'm so ready! I've got my rain coat and everything. Oh the wedding was an adventure. We watched it on a big screen in hide park and had a blast! Kate's dress was beautiful in my opinion, but wow were there some strange hats. At times I was thinking to myself...that must be a joke, nah...they can't be serious. Oh let me tell you my friends...it was no joke. Hats make a statement for London women much like the statement men's cars can make. However fancy your hat is..the more you paid...the more you paid...the richer you must be. Tell me I'm wrong...also just for future notice, you press the button to open the door on the train or honey...it won't open. Bless our hearts this morning, we just may have missed our stop for that reason. Love you all!

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